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Sherwood, Richard
    Codename dragon / by Richard Sherwood, Ian Smallwood. 2001. F SHE.  
Shetley, Doris
    英語不好 : 我立志拼英語 / Doris Shetley, 張碼麗著. 2004[民93]. 805.188 9043.  
Shi, Naian
    Water margin. Confronting the royal court / by Shi Naian(施耐庵) ; illustrated by Teo Seng Hock(張勝福) ; translated by Wu Jingyu(吳敬瑜). 1999. F SHI.  
    Water margin. Emergence of the Demons / by Shi Naian(施耐庵) ; illustrated by Teo Seng Hock(張勝福) ; translated by Wu Jingyu(吳敬瑜). 1998. F SHI.  
    Water margin. The grand assembly / by Shi Naian(施耐庵) ; illustrated by Teo Seng Hock(張勝福) ; translated by Wu Jingyu(吳敬瑜). 1999. F SHI.  
    Water margin. The siege of Zhu family village / by Shi Naian(施耐庵) ; illustrated by Teo Seng Hock(張勝福) ; translated by Wu Jingyu(吳敬瑜). 1998. F SHI.  
    Water margin. The tiger slayer / Shi Naian(施耐庵) ; illustrated by Teo Seng Hock(張勝福) ; translated by Wu Jingyu(吳敬瑜). 1999. F SHI.  
Shiach, Don
    Grammar Matters / by Don Shiach. 1985. 428.2 SHI.  
    Punctuation in its place / by Don Shiach. 1984. 428.1 SHI.  
    Sentences / by Don Shiach. 1985. 428.2 SHI.  
    Steps to spelling / by Don Shiach. 1984. 428.1 SHI.  
Shibasaki, Miyuki
    埃及, 是這樣的那樣! : 漫畫埃及的祕密 / Miyuki Shibasaki著 ; 許晴舒譯. 2007. 761 9041.  
Shields, Chris
    Usborne understanding geography : earthquakes and volcanoes / witten by Fiona Watt ; designed by Linda Penny ; illustrated by Jeremy Gower and Chris Shields. 1994. 910.914 WAT.  
Shields, Sue
    Chameleons are cool / by Martin Jenkins ; illustrated by Sue Shields. 2001. 597.95 JEN.  
Shih, Vincent Y. C
    The Taiping ideology : its sources, inter pretations, and influences / by Vincent Y.C. Shih. 1972 951 SHI.  
Shimabukuro, Denise
    Spirit of adventure / by Irene Trimble ; illustrated by Denise Shimabukuro. 2009. F TRI.  
Shimizu, Kozo
    The heart of winter : a book about helping people / original story and illustration by Kozo Shimizu. 1997. F SHI.  

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