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簡短結果 (第 1 頁)

Taiji Qigong in the 18 style
    太極氣功十八式 [錄影資料] / 麥燕瓊示範. 1989 528.972 4003.  
Tail Talk and other poems
    Tail Talk and other poems / Philippa Werry, Jill Brasell, and Hayley Macduff. 2002. 591.5 WER.  
The Taiping ideology : its sources, inter pretations, and influences
    The Taiping ideology : its sources, inter pretations, and influences / by Vincent Y.C. Shih. 1972 951 SHI.  
The Taiping Rebellion : history and documents vol.1
    The Taiping Rebellion : history and documents vol.1 / by Franz Michael ; translated by Margery Anneberg ...[et al.] ; edited by Gladys Greenwood. 1972 951 MIC.  
Taiwan style
    尋百工 : 四個年輕孩子與一百種市井職人相遇的故事 / 祁台穎等著. 2010. 479.7 1734.  
Take a break 30分鐘高效能 : 專注力
    Take a break 30分鐘高效能 : 專注力 / 朶德.胡特(Dorthe Huth)著 ; 許嫚紅譯. 2017. 176.32 0530.  
Take a break 30分鐘高效能 : 韌性
    Take a break 30分鐘高效能 : 韌性 / 馬丁.路特彥(Martin Luitjens), 烏利.西格瑞斯(Ulrich Siegrist)著 ; 王榮輝譯. 2016. 176.8 7543.  
Take a break 30分鐘高效能 : 意志力
    Take a break 30分鐘高效能 : 意志力 / 漢斯葛奧格.威爾曼 (Hans-Georg Willmann)著 ; 王榮輝譯. 2016. 173.764 5411.  
Take a fancy to cartoons
    愛上卡通 = Take a fancy to cartoons / 鍾志鵬著. 2006. 947.41 8211.  
Take action
    拯救行動 = Take action / 搜救隊先鋒軍著. 2009. 591.79 5704.  

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