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簡短結果 (第 1 頁)

This place on earth
    重返美麗家園 : 一位生態學者的返鄉衝擊 / 作者, 亞倫.聖.鄧寧(Alan Thein Durning) ; 譯者, 金振寧, 陳素姍. 2002. 445.9 3578.  
This rough magic
    This rough magic / Mary Stewart ; retold by Diane Mowat. 2000. F MOW.  
This time it's personal
    This time it's personal / by Alan Battersby. 2003. F BAT.  
Thomas Alva Edison
    愛迪生 / 甄艷慈編著. 2000. 309.8 4349.  
Thomas Alva Edison, 1847-1931
    愛迪生 = Thomas Alva Edison, 1847-1931. 1999. 309.8 4349.  
Thomas Alva Edison : the man who lighted up the world
    Thomas Alva Edison : the man who lighted up the world / Michelle Lim. 2004. 925 EDI.  
Thomas and the missing charistmas tree
    Thomas and the missing charistmas tree / by Rev W Awdry. ???? F AWD.  
Thomas Edison
    Thomas Edison / Paul Mason. 2001. 925 EDI.  
    愛迪生 = Thomas Edison / 余存先著. 1999. 309.8 4349.  
Thomas Edison : a life story
    Thomas Edison : a life story / Mary Joseph. 2005. 925 EDI.  
Thomas Edison and the pioneers of electromagnetism
    Thomas Edison and the pioneers of electromagnetism / Elizabeth R.C. Cregan. 2007. 537 CRE.  

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