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書名全名: UNICEF

簡短結果 (第 1 頁)

    UNICEF / Katherine Prior. 2001. 362.7 PRI.  
The unicron battles
    Transformers armada : the unicron battles / written by Andrew Donkin. 2004. F DON.  
Unintended consquences
    經濟復甦的手段, 與意外惡果 : 我的收入如何用來創造財富, 而不是府重新分配? / 愛德華.康諾(Edward Conard)著 ; 艾利揚譯. 2013. 552.52 2080.  
    Eureka! 我想到了 : 改變人類生活的100項發明 / [安東尼奧.簡奇(Antonio Cianci)著 ; 崔娥譯]. 2012. 440.6 2108.  
    行銷靠社群 : 零科成交, 讓顧客想都不想的超猛下單術 / 今周刊編著. 2017 496 8020.  
United Nations
    United Nations / Linda Melvern. 2004. 341.23 MEL.  
United States of America : the land and its people
    United States of America : the land and its people / adapted by M.L. McCarthy from the original text by John Bear. 1977 917.3 MCC.  
Universal typing : realistic office assignments level 1 & 2
    Universal typing : realistic office assignments level 1 & 2 / by Edith Mackay. 1988. 652.3 MAC.  
The universe and other poems
    The universe and other poems. 2002. 520 UNI.  
The universe in a nutshell
    胡桃裏的宇宙 = The universe in a nutshell / 史蒂芬.霍金(Stephen Hawking)著 ; 葉李華譯. 2001. 339.1 0052.  

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