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啓動搜尋器  啓動


簡短結果 (第 1 頁)

The Vikings
    The Vikings / by Michael Gibson ; illustrated by Dick Eastland ... [et. al.]. 1976 936 GIB.  
The village of a hundred smiles and other stories
    The village of a hundred smiles and other stories / by Barrie Baker ; illustrated by Stephane Jorisch. 1998. F BAK.  
Vincent Van Gogh 1853-1890 : vision and reality
    Vincent Van Gogh 1853-1890 : vision and reality / by Ingo F. Walther. 1993. 709.04 WAL.  
Vincent Van Gogh : Art and Emotion
    梵高 : 藝術與情感 / David Spence著 ; 蘇福忠譯. 1998. 909.97 6060.  
Vincent van Gogh : sunflowers and swirly stars
    梵谷 : 向日葵和星夜 / 瓊安.賀洛普(Joan Holub)文圖 ; 劉清彥翻譯. 2005. 909.97 5086.  
Vincent van Gogh : the troubled artist
    Vincent van Gogh : the troubled artist / Anna Claybourne. 2003. 927 GOG.  
    醋的妙用 = Vinegar / Michel Droulhiole編著 ; [史瀟瀟譯]. 2013. 420 3705.  
Violin concerto in E minor, op. 64
    孟德爾頌 : 甜美流麗的名曲 = Mendelssohn : melodic masterpieces. 1997. 910.9943 8483.  
Virtual water : tackling the threat to our planet's most precious resource
    煮一杯咖啡需要多少水? : 生活事物背後的虛擬水 / 湯尼.艾倫(Tony Allan)著 ; 張美惠譯. 2013. 554.61 0770.  
Visible cities
    繁勝錄 / 董啓章著 ; 林智恒繪圖. 855.48 4410.  

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