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Weather watching
    Weather watching. 1999. 551.6 WEA.  
Weathering the storms
    風雨人間 = Weathering the storms. 2008. 328.13238 7721.  
    Web / John Wyndham. 1999 F WYN.  
Web 2.0大引爆 : 全球商機齊齊Fun
    Web 2.0大引爆 : 全球商機齊齊Fun / 尹思哲著. 2007. 541.451 1750.  
Web from sky to earth : quest for science and the humanities
    天羅地網 : 科學與人文的探索 / 陳天機. 2008. 307 7529.  
Web of doom
    Web of doom / written by Michael Anthony Steele ; illustrated by Dan Schoening. 2012. F STE.  
Weber, Carl Maria von
    韋伯傳 / 萊納特著 ; 陳鳳凰譯. 1986 910.9943 5414.  
Webster's dictionary library : seven complete dictionaries in one volume
    Webster's dictionary library : seven complete dictionaries in one volume / distributed by Crown Publishers, by arrangement with Ottenheimer Publishers. ???? R030 WEB.  
Webster's universal dictionary and thesaurus
    Webster's universal dictionary and thesaurus. 1993. 423 WEB.  
The wedding march from a midsummer night's dream, op. 61
    孟德爾頌 : 甜美流麗的名曲 = Mendelssohn : melodic masterpieces. 1997. 910.9943 8483.  

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