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China in ten words
    十個詞彙裏的中國 = China in ten words / 余華. 2010 573 8090.  
China in the 20th century
    China in the 20th century / by Harriet Ward. 1990. 951.04 WAR.  
China memorandum
    国情备忘录 = China memorandum / 中央电视台《国情备忘录》项目组著. 2010 552.2 6015.  
China Modernization and Transformation (1900-2000
    China Modernization and Transformation (1900-2000). ???? ????  
China Motor Bus Photo Album
    再見藍戰士 : 中巴紀念圖輯 / 謝文軒總編輯. 1998. 557.35 1044.  
China now : an introductory survey with readings
    China now : an introductory survey with readings / by D.J. Dwyer. 1974 915.1 CHI.  
China pavilion impression
    中國館印象 [錄影資料] = China pavilion impression / 总监制 上海世博会事务协调局中国馆部 ; 出品人 祝君波 ; 监制 丁维星 ; 总导演 景阳. 2010 497.3 5000.  
China rural reform
    中國農村發展歷程 = China rural reform / 葉健民著. 2009. 431.2092 4490.  
China's response to the west : a documentary survey 1839-1923
    China's response to the west : a documentary survey 1839-1923 / by Ssu-Yu Teng, Fairbank John K. 1979. 951 TEN.  
China scenes
    中國風光. 1979. 690 5000.  

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