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著者 Applegate, Katherine.
題名 Roscoe Riley Rules #1: never glue your friend to chairs / by Katherine Applegate ; illustrated by Brian Biggs.
出版 New York : HarperCollins, 2008.
稽核項 96 p. : ill. ; 20 cm.
附註 Reading Level: F2.
附註 英文套裝圖書:Box 4A.
目錄 If the kids can't sit still for the class performance, Roscoe's teacher could be in big trouble. Fortunately Roscoe has a plan to save her{????}a super, mega, gonzo plan! What could go wrong?.
主題 Comedies (Fiction).
主題 Fiction.
科目 ERS 英文廣泛閱讀計劃.
其他著者 Biggs, Brian.
ISBN 9780061148811.

位置 索書號 現狀
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