As you like it

by William Shakespeare Shakespeare ; adaptation, notes and exercises by Rahel Roberts
Pearson Education Asia Limited, 2005
102 p. : col. ill. ; 21 cm. + 1 sound disc(digital, stereo ; 4 3/4 in.)
英文廣泛閱讀計劃F SHA在架上::
視聽電腦媒體F SHA在架上::
  • Orlando, the youngest son of Sir Rowland De Bois, takes shelter in the Forest of Arden in order to escape from his brother's death threat. There he meets Duke Senior, who has been banished and usurped by his own brother, Frederick. He also......
  • 奧蘭多躲避兄長奧列弗的追殺,倉皇逃到雅登森林去;在那{????}遇上被流放的老公爵,也認識了一個名叫加尼米德的少年{????}{????}而這「少年」正是他朝思暮想的羅瑟琳! 原來老公爵的女兒羅瑟琳被叔父逐出宮廷以後,就跟茜莉亞和小丑試金石......
  • Reading Level: F2
  • 英文簡化版.
  • Hong Kong : Pearson Education Asia Limited
  • 962012278X


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