
by William Shakespeare Shakespeare ; adaptation, notes and exercises by Rahel Roberts
Pearson Education Asia Limited, 2005
134 p. : col. ill. ; 21 cm. + 2 sound disc(digital, stereo ; 4 3/4 in.)
英文廣泛閱讀計劃F SHA在架上::
視聽電腦媒體F SHA在架上::
  • Othello, a black army general of the Moors, earns the great respect of the Venetians by defeating the Turks. Thinking that he himself will become the lieutenant, lago, Othello's ensign, is infuriated when Othello passes him up in favour of Cassio. Plotti
  • 驍勇善戰的黑人將軍奧賽羅降服了土耳其人,深受威尼斯敬重。伊阿高以為自己會給擢升為副將,誰知得到提拔的卻是卡西奧。伊阿高懷恨在心,誓要報復。他先是散播中傷奧賽羅的謠言;接{????}向參議員告密,指其女兒玳絲德蒙娜已跟奧賽羅私奔,同時又施計讓卡西奧......
  • Reading Level: F2
  • 英文簡化版.
  • Hong Kong : Pearson Education Asia Limited
  • 9620122828
  • http://library.skhhtcss.edu.hk/opac/bib/AGpt


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