Food, Inc

毒食難肥 / Particpant Media and River Road Entertainment present ; produced and directed by Robert Kenner
Deltamac (Hong Kong) Company, c2009
2 videodisc (ca. 90 min.) : sd., col. ; 4 3/4 in .
LocationCall NumberStatus
Audio Visual Resources338.19 FOOAvailable
  • c1. 《毒食難肥》導演羅拔堅拿花了六年時間去尋找食物製作過程的殘酷眞相。本片內容講述一名幼兒吃了連鎖快餐店的漢堡飽致死,從而揭發經食物工業化生產的牛肉,隱藏不可告人的恐怖秘密!當中包括快大巴脞的駭人面貌;過度種植粟米的致命謊言;以及大財團為攏斷全球食品
  • c2. 他們只顧盈利,衍生病毒危害人類性命,矛頭直指全球最大食品供應國 - 美國。本片更深入美國豬肉供應商Smithfield Fooks設於墨西哥的屠場-即H1N1甲型流感的源頭,早著先機揭開一幕幕震撼的食物污染眞相!將你餐桌上的食物計時炸彈隨時引爆!此時的你可以仍置身事
  • e1. How much do we really know about the food we buy at our local supermarkets and serve to our families? In FOOD, INC., Robert Kenner lifts the veil on the food industry, exposing the highly mechanized underbelly that's been hidden from the consumer wit
  • e2. the consent of the government. The documentary reveals surprising - and often shocking truths - about what we eat and how it's produced, what the cost to our health is , and how this wave of change is sweeping across the global food industry.
  • Cinematography, Richard Pearce ; editor, Kim Roberts ; music, Mark Adler.
  • HK rating: I
  • Interviewees include Eric Schlosser, Michael Pollan, Gary Hirshberg, Joel Salatin.
  • Originally released as a motion picture in 2008
  • VCD (NTSC) ; Dolby digital.
  • 英語對白, 中文字幕.
  • Hong Kong : Deltamac (Hong Kong) Company

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