2012 : science or superstition
The Disinformation Company presents ; director, Nimrod Erez ; writer & producer, Gary Baddeley ; co-producer, Ralph BernardoDistributed by Unicorn Entertainment International Ltd., c2009
錄影光碟1片 (約 90 分鐘) : 有聲, 彩色 ; 4 3/4 吋.
館藏地 | 索書號 | 現狀 |
視聽電腦媒體 | 799.9508 2012 | 在架上:: |
- 2012年12月21號這一天,根據中美洲的古瑪雅人的長曆法(根據記載這個可是古瑪雅人創作的,所以也叫瑪雅曆法)是《結束之日》。一直以來, 有數 不盡的書籍、網頁、雜誌專題和報紙頭條都有討論其含意。當中出現了兩大主張,一方面主張那天是世界末日的來臨,另一方面主張那天是
- e1. December 21, 2012 the end date of the sophisticated long count calendar created by the ancient Maya in Central America. Countless books and websites, magazine articles and newspaper headlines debate its meaning with enthusiasts in two camps,
- e2. those forecasting apocalypse - the end of time - and those who see a coming renewal, a rebirth of consciousness.
- e3. Adding fuel to the debate some scientists see the increasing number of natural disasters in recent years as evidence of a catastrophic climax of events in 2012. How much of what we're hearing is science and how much is superstition?
- e4. In this film, leading researchers, writers, archeologists, astronomists, physicists, and scientists in the field tell us exactly what this date means to them, why it's important and what we should expect.
- "December 21, 2012, The End of the World? or The Beginning of a New Golden Age?"--Container.
- Cinematography & editing, Nimrod Erez ; original score, Adam Peters.
- DVD; Dolby digital; 1.33:1 full screen. NTSC.
- Narration: Kristine Ryan.
- Special features: Tour of Palenque; Classic Period Mayan City.
- 英語對白, 粵語配音 ; 繁簡體中文, 英文字幕 ; In English or Cantonese with optional traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese or English subtitles.
- 影片原於 2008年以電影形式發行.
- Baddeley, Gary
- Bernardo, Ralph
- Erez, Nimrod
- Ryan, Kristine
- Disinformation Company
- Unicorn Entertainment International Ltd
- [香港] : Distributed by Unicorn Entertainment International Ltd
- http://library.skhhtcss.edu.hk/opac/bib/AIVI
SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School