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Jules Verne(朱利.凡爾納)原著 ; 李芹燕編譯
初版. 大步文化, 2000

館藏地 索書號 現狀

Round the world in eighty days

by Jules Verne ; abridged and simplified by D.K. Swan ; illustrated by Claire Mumford
Longman Group, 1994

館藏地 索書號 現狀

Around the world in eighty days

by Jules Verne ; retold in simple language by Joyce Faraday ; illustrated by Kathie Layfield

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The mysterious island

by Jules Verne; simplified by D.K. Swan; illustrated by Ivan Lapper
Longman, 1988

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Jules Verne著 ; 施大力改寫
企鵝, 1991

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Around the world in 80 days

adapted by Nick Beare and Jeanette Greenwell from a story by Jules Verne ; ill. by Edward Ripley
Macmillan Education Ltd., 1998

館藏地 索書號 現狀

Around the world in eighty days

Jules Verne
Oxford University, 1992

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乘風破浪 : 金銀島、格列佛遊記、環遊世界80天

羅伯特.路易斯.史帝文生(Robert Louis Stevenson), 約拿單.史威福特(Jonathan Swift), 朱利.凡爾納(Jules Verne)原著 ; 馬奈(Edouard Maner), 卡斯伯.大衛.佛列德利赫(Caspar David Friedrich)插圖 ; 紫石作坊編譯
麥田出版 : 城邦文化發行, 2003[民92]

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Journey to the centre earth

Jules Verne ; retold by Elizabeth Gray
Express Publishing, 2001

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Captain grant’s children : teacher’s book

Jules Verne ; adapted by H.Q. Mitchell
MM Publications, 2002

館藏地 索書號 現狀

不一樣的 : 環遊世界八十日

作者, Verne, J. ; 譯者, 唐佳梅, 杜慧貞 ; 插圖, 莫永雄
阿湯圖書, 2003

館藏地 索書號 現狀

SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School