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李基安編著 ; 張月祥審校 ; 全國高等教育自學考試指導委員會辦公室組編
外語教學與研究出版社, 1998

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Dennis Yeung著
初版. Hong Kong Educational Publishing Co., 1998

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Dennis Yeung, Tessa Luk著
初版. Hong Kong Educational Punlishing Co., 1998

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Dennis Yeung著
初版. Hong Kong Educational Publishing Co., 1998

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Dennis Yeung, Tessa Luk著
初版. Hong Kong Educational Publishing Co., 1998

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Dennis Yeung著
初版. Hong Kong Educational Publishing Co., 1998

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赤尾好夫編 ; 綿貫陽補訂
初版. 經典傳訊文化, 1998

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Junie B. Jones has a monster under her bed

by Barbara Park ; illustrated by Denise Brunkus
A trumpet club special edition.. Scholastic, 1998

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Junie B. Jones and some sneaky peeky spying

by Barbara Park ; illustrated by Denise Brunkus
Scholastic, 1998

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Junie B. Jones and the stupid smelly bus

by Barbara Park ; illustrated by Denise Brunkus
A trumpet club special edition.. Scholastic, 1998

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Knights don’t teach piano

by Debbie Dadey, Marcia Thornton Jones ; illustrated by John Steven Gurney
Scholastic Inc., 1998

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Hercules doesn’t pull teeth

by Debbie Dadey, Marcia Thornton Jones ; illustrated by John Steven Gurney
Scholastic Inc., 1998

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Phantoms don’t drive sports cars

by Debbie Dadey, Marcia Thornton Jones ; illustrated by John Steven Gurney
Scholastic Inc., 1998

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Giants don’t go snowboarding

by Debbie Dadey, Marcia Thornton Jones ; illustrated by John Steven Gurney
Scholastic Inc., 1998

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The case of the winning skateboard

book created by Parker C. Hinter ; written by Della Rowland ; illustrated by Diamond Studio ; based on characters from the parker brothers game a creative media applications production
scholastic, c1998

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Night of the living dad

by Rick Kirkman, Jerry Scott
Andrews and McMeel, 1998

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Check, please…

by Rick Kirkman, Jerry Scott
Andrews and McMeel, 1998

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The sunbird mystery

written by Janet Olearski ; ill. by Evie Safarewicz
Macmillan Education Ltd., 1998

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Around the world in 80 days

adapted by Nick Beare and Jeanette Greenwell from a story by Jules Verne ; ill. by Edward Ripley
Macmillan Education Ltd., 1998

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Oliver Twist

adapted by Nick Beare and Jeanette Greenwell from a story by Charles Dickens ; ill. by Tony Morris
Macmillan Education Ltd., 1998

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SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School