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The naughty mole : a book about obedience

original story and illustration by Veronique Bastin
Authorized English-language ed.. Time Life Asia, c1997

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Mimi the selfish kitten : a book about sharing our toys

original story by Kyo Yamawaki and illustration by Yasunari Murakami
Authorized English-language ed.. Time Life Asia, c1997

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The little blue elephant : a book about being open-minded

original story and illustration by Maria Rius
Authorized English-language ed.. Time Life Asia, c1997

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The land of toys : a book about looking after our toys

original story by Keiki Yoshida and illustration by Yuko Imoue
Authorized English-language ed.. Time Life Asia, c1997

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In search of the missing light : a book about not giving up

original story and illustration by Daniele Trombetti
Authorized English-language ed.. Time Life Asia, c1997

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The dragon who couldn’t breathe fire : a book about being different

original story and illustration by Nicoletta Costa
Authorized English-language ed.. Time Life Asia, c1997

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The heart of winter : a book about helping people

original story and illustration by Kozo Shimizu
Authorized English-language ed.. Time Life Asia, c1997

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The tale of the giant turnip : a book about generosity and greed

original story and illustration by Antje Gummels
Authorized English-language ed.. Time Life Asia, c1997

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A new coat of leaves : a book about accepting the way we look

original story and illustration by Sophie Kniffke
Authorized English-language ed.. Time Life Asia, c1997

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The alligator’s secret : a book about admitting our mistakes

original story and illustration by Wang Lie
Authorized English-language ed.. Time Life Asia, c1997

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Saving the old apple tree : a book about caring for the environment

original story and illustration by Wang Lie
Authorized English-language ed.. Time Life Asia, c1997

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The dragon lanterns : a book about honesty

original story and illustration by Wang Lie
Authorized English-language ed.. Time Life Asia, c1997

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Who took my strawberries? : a book about learning to share

original story and illustration by Arlina Cavo
Authorized English-language ed.. Time Life Asia, c1997

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Pippo learns a lesson : a book about being kind to others

original story and illustration by Arcadio Lobato
Authorized English-language ed.. Time Life Asia, c1997

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English language : syllabus A : HKCEE : Examination report and question papers

Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority
HKEA, c1998-

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Jane Eyre

by Charlotte Bronte
Commercial Press, 2003

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Anita’s big day

Elizabeth Laird
Longman, 1995

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AS Use of English : HKALE question papers

The Authority, 1984-

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Listening in action

Stephen Keeler
Seventeenth impression. Longman, 1997

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Blue moon valley and other stories

Stephen Rabley
Longman, 1991

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SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School