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Young Helen Keller : woman of courage

by Anne Benjamin ; illustrated by Julie Durrell
Troll Association, 1992

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Young Christopher Columbus : discoverer of new worlds

by Eric Carpenter ; illustrated by John Himmelman
Troll Association, 1992

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Young Martin Luther King, Jr. : I have a dream

by Joanne Mattern ; illustrated by Allan Eitzen
Troll Association, 1992

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Young Abraham Lincoln : Log-Cabin President

by Andrew Woods ; illustrated by Pat Schories
Troll Assoication, 1992

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Young George Washington : America’s first President

by Andrew Woods ; illustrated by John Himmelman
Troll Association, 1992

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Diana : Her True Story

Andrew Morton
Pocket Books, 1992

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Princess Diana

Cherry Gilchrist
Penguin, 1999

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The road ahead

Bill Gates ; with Nathan Myhrvold, Peter Rinearson
Penguin, 1999

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The royal family

Cherry Gilchrist
Penguin, 1999

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Jennifer Lopez

Rod Smith
Pearson, 2000

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Leonardo DiCaprio

Brent Furnas
Pearson, 1998

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Prince william

John Escott
Pearson, 1998

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Charlie Chaplin

Pam Brown ; edited by D K Swan
Longman, 1988

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Marie Curie

Beverley Birch
Longman, 1988

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Gandhi : his life was the message

Donn Byrne
Longman, 1983

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Martin Luther King

Valerie Schloredf and Pam Brown ; edited by Susan Ullstein
Longman, 1988

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Just a few words, Mr. Lincoln : the story of the Gettyburg Address

by Jean Fritz ; illustrated by Charles Robinson
Grosset & Dunlap, 1993

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A girl named Helen Keller

Margo Lundell
Scholastic, 1995

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Da Vinci

written and illustrated by Mike Venezia
Childrens, 1989

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witten and illustrated by Mike Venezia
Childrens, 1991

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SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School