Location | Call Number | Status |
ERS | F SHA | Available |
Audio Visual Resources | F SHA | Available |
- Old Hamlet, the king of Denmark, dies suddenly. Shortly afterwards, his wife, Queen Gertrude, marries King Claudius, who is Prince Hamlet's uncle. One night, the ghost of Old Hamlet appears and tells his son that it was Claudius who poured poison into...
- 丹麥王子哈姆雷特的父親去世不久,他母親就改嫁他叔父克勞狄斯。哈姆雷特從父親的鬼魂口中得悉克勞狄斯正是其殺父仇人,頓時感到進退兩難。為免打草驚蛇,他只好裝瘋扮傻,伺機行事;克勞狄斯深知哈姆雷特會為父報仇,因而寢食難安,如芒刺在背。哈姆雷特......
- Reading Level: F2
- 英文簡化版.
- Hong Kong : Pearson Education Asia Limited
- 962012281X
- http://library.skhhtcss.edu.hk/opac/bib/AGpu
SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School