館藏地 | 索書號 | 現狀 |
視聽電腦媒體 | 628.525 1123 | 在架上:: |
- c1. 《張純如:南京大屠殺》是一部紀錄片,眞實記錄了一位去世了的年輕美籍華裔女作家,如何以自己的生命,深入探索1937年南京大屠殺那段黑暗的人類歷史,並將它還原成文字,著成一本震撼人心的暢銷書的歷程。
- c2. 電影通過眞實展現張純如在探索史黑旅程全部過程和內心感受,結合大量珍貴史料與倖存者口述,運用時空交錯的拍攝手法,揭開了一幕幕史眞相,見證了那一場慘絕人寰的暴行。可以說,言不僅僅是張純如個人的故事,更是一段痛徹骨髓的歷史。
- e1. IRIS CHANG: The Rape of Nanking is a feature-length documentary film about a young woman's journey to bring one of the darkest chapters of history to light. IRIS found numerous rare documents during her research.
- e2. The discovery of John Rabe's diary was one of her most important contributions to this part of the history. She was always an unflinching fighter for justice, truth and human rights unitl her untimely death due to suicide in November 2004,
- e3. leaving behind unfinished dreams: to make an epic movie of "The Rape of Nanking" before the victims and survivors of Sino-Japanes war voices disappera forever.
- DVD; 第3區域; DTS or Dolby digital 5.1 立體聲; NTSC.
- 對白: 國語 ; 字幕: 繁體中文, 英文
- 影片級別: IIB
- Iris Chang : The rape of Nanking
- Iris Chang [錄影資料] : The rape of Nanking
- Rape of Nanking [錄影資料]
- 南京大屠殺 [錄影資料] : 南京大屠殺 : 用生命照亮歷史
- 香港 : CN Entertainment [distributor]
- http://library.skhhtcss.edu.hk/opac/bib/AIVL
SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School